Global Compliance

With in-house experience at the Chief Compliance Officer level, together with our backgrounds in intelligence, defense, and litigation, we provide clear advice and legal risk assessments about the scope and enforcement of regulations that affect international businesses.

Firsthand Experience

Our attorneys have built, from the ground up, worldwide compliance programs integrating crucial components such as anti-money laundering, anti-corruption, whistleblowing, data security, and privacy. As with all of our practices, we employ a multi-disciplinary approach to building effective and tailored compliance programs.

Unique Talent, Reducing Risk and Complexity

Drawing on diverse and complementary skillsets in information security, forensic analyses, litigation, and compliance, allows us to assist companies with internal and external compliance or whistleblowing investigations in lean and cost-effective manners. Other law firms would have to contract with two or three separate parties or vendors to achieve the same basic skillsets that we retain in-house.

Our structure reduces the risk that of an information leak and at the same time reduces complexity. This is especially important given the cross-border nature of business conduct and investigations, often requiring companies to make strategic and coordinated responses among business components and multiple parties.